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Made In USA. Company: Forever Life.


  • Effective healthy cholesterol control
  • Supports healthy cholesterol
  • Supports blood glucose control
  • healthy weight management
  • Promote heart health


ForeverLife is proud to present CholesTrol30®, a breakthrough, exclusive, and scientifically substantiated products to health professionals. CholesTrol30® is a patented standardized polyphenolic extract derived from citrus bergamia risso fruit that grows almost exclusively in the Ionic coast of Southern Calabria Italy. CholesTrol30® is standardized to 25% flavanone comprise of Neoeriocitrin, Naringin, & Neohesperidin, 1% Melitidine, 2% Bruteridine. These compounds have been shown in research to help support cardiovascular health, support healthy cholesterol metabolism, support healthy blood sugar metabolism, and support healthy weight management. CholesTrol30® - A breakthrough and powerful nutraceutical for maintaining already healthy cholesterol health. In clinical studies, CholesTrol30® delivers impressive cardiovascular benefits by positively affects the amount of cholesterol produced by the body naturally. CholesTrol30® have been shown to support the body’s normal production of HMG-CoA reductase, the hepatic enzyme responsible for the rate limiting step in the synthesis of cholesterol. The antioxidant compounds in CholesTrol30® promote cardiovascular health by restoring the antioxidant status, protecting the cells from oxidative stress, and neutralize free radicals. • Promote Cardiovascular Health. • Clinically Proven to Increase HDL Cholesterol. • Clinically Proven to Reduce Cholesterol. CholesTrol30® works by blocking a key enzyme in the production of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural product of the liver and in the right amounts does not pose a problem to the body. The body; however, sometimes produces too much cholesterol. CholesTrol30® inhibits the HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methyglutaryl COA) reductase, an enzyme linked to the liver’s cholesterol production. HMG-CoA reductase is active when blood glucose is high. Thus, by support healthy blood sugar levels, CholesTrol30® also indirectly affects the activity of HMG-CoA reductase.



Cholestrol 30 Dietary Supplement - 30 capsules


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